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sometimes fish go into little small rocks to find a safe place like us we go home and we are safe with fish are the same thing. but fish try to hide to stay away from predators like dolphins, sharks, and crabs.

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11y ago

On the hunt. they are nocturnal so they eat their food at night.

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Q: Where do frogs go during the night?
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Do horned fantasy frogs need a light?

no, they can see during the night.

Are all frogs nocturnal?

i think that frogs and toads are nocturnal because they are always up during the night and sleep during the day. people always here them at night because of it and that is how you know they are nocturnal.

WHERE do frogs go during rainy days?

they go outside and do not hide. they love to go outside during rainy season.

Do frogs do their feeding during the day or at night?

Most frogs and toads are nocturnal, however there are some groups which are largely diurnal. These include the Dendrobatidae (poison-dart frogs) and Mantellas which are found in tropical forests of Central/South America and Madagascar, respectively.

What is the best time to catch frogs?

Frogs are most active at night and during the early morning hours, so the best time to catch them is in the evening or at night. It is also recommended to go out after a rainy day, as frogs are more likely to be out and about looking for food.

Why do vampires go out during the night?

Supposedly, vampires cannot go out when the sun is out during the day. Thus, they can only go out during the night.

What do golden frogs eat?

Panamanian golden frogs eat small insects. The frogs actively hunt insects during the day. At night they retire to the wet rainforests or the dry cloud forests in the Cordilleran Mountains.

Are common tree frogs nocturnal?

Yes, they are active at night, and rest during the day, though if they are hungry and enclosed, they will hunt during the day.

Are Goliath frogs nocturnal?

Yes, they are active at night, and rest during the day, though if they are hungry and enclosed, they will hunt during the day.

Do green tree frogs make noise at night?

the type of tree frogs that croak at night is i dont know

Do you put a frogs light on overnight?

Frogs in nature do not have lights they turn on at night.

Do frogs party all night?
