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Cane toads have become an ecological disaster in Australia, and other places to which they have been introduced.

They eat the native wildlife, but have no natural predators. Cane toads eat native frog species, as well as other small birds and mammals, and they compete directly with native frogs and other species for food. Many native frog species are at risk of extinction as a result of the cane toad population.

The only animals that have worked out how to eat them safely are crows, which flip the toads over and eat the soft underbelly, where there are no poison glands. Northern quolls have suffered huge population losses because habitat loss and the resultant drop in food sources has driven them to try to eat the cane toad, which has, of course, poisoned these mammals. Any native animal that normally eats frogs will be poisoned by the cane toad.

Cane toads are also continuing to spread south. They are remarkably adaptable creatures, and seem to be becoming hardier, adapting to a wide variety of habitats and climate conditions. They also breed prolifically, and wherever they populate, they push out the native species.

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Q: What were the problems caused by cane toad?
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Is a cane toad a mammal?

No, a toad is a reptile.

What problems is the Cane toad causing in the US?

They are an invasive species that are making native species compete for food.

What crop was the cane toad supposed to protect?

Cane toads were actually supposed to protect the sugar canes. but instead, they didn`t. They had to protect the sugar cane because of the can beetles, which lived underneath the crop, and blocked all the water out, which caused it to go all yellow, and then collasped. The suger cane i mean. Branidi out.

Which state is the cane toad mainly pests?

Cane toad were pest's mainly in Queensland the Northern Territory in Australia

What toad has been a pest in Australia?

The cane toad was introduced into Australia. Australia has no native toads at all.

What pest did the cane toad control?

The cane beetles that were infesting sugar cane in Aus.

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What is wrong with a cane toad?
