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That would be a bit of a miracle as frogs do not get pregnant.

The female frog lays spawn or eggs into the water. The laying sites are usually -

  • Still water

  • Moist ground

  • Basin

  • Foam Nests

the masses of jelly like eggs are immediately fertilized by the male frogs and sink to the bottom of the pond. after this the eggs start to develop into tadpoles and so on. so you see a frog can not get anymore pregnant then a chicken.

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Q: What to do if your frog is pregnant?
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How many weeks are frogs pregnant for?

frog are pregnant for 2-5 weeks.

How can you tell if an african dwarf frog is pregnant?

it probably will get really fat

What is galli-mainini test?

It is a "classic" test to determine if someone is pregnant or not. It is done by injecting subcutaneously the woman's urine to the frog, and after few hours, checking the frog's own urine. If the forg's urine contain sperms, the woman is pregnant. It is because the pregnant woman's urine contain hCG, a hormone that is made by placenta.

Can my frog be pregnant if her stumech is bigger?

She may be producing eggs, however, frogs do not become pregnant. They will lay their unfertilized eggs whether a male is available or not.

How do you know if a female frog is pregnant?

Female frogs do not get pregnant in the same way as mammals. Instead, they lay eggs which are then fertilized externally by the male. You can tell if a female frog is ready to lay eggs by looking at her swollen abdomen and observing her behavior, such as digging in the substrate to create a suitable environment for laying eggs.

I have a pond down my street and their are frogs everywere this guy told me that a lot of the frogs are laying eggs. But how can you tell if the frog is pregnant?

Frogs don't get pregnant in the same way mammals do. They lay eggs externally in water and the female releases eggs that are then fertilized by the male. You won't see a pregnant frog in the traditional sense but rather notice them laying eggs in clusters in the water.

When a small female aquarium frog gets pregnant does the male aquarium frog die?

No, male frogs do not necessarely die after mating or spawning. Some animals do, like insects and other invertebrates, but amfibians can live up to years.

How long does a tree frog stay in the gestation stage?

Bullfrogs lay eggs, they do not get pregnant.

What is the Perkins disease?

it is a frog it is a frog it is a frog

What are three examples of a frog?

tree frog , poison dart frog , and a glass frog

How can you tell if a fire belly toad is pregnant?

the female frog will stare at the male a lot and mostly evry night you will hear the male bark like like a puppy

You wish to drink ejakulated semon what it effect on you?

Me? I don't want to do that. However, if i did, i would most certainly become pregnant with a deformed antelope headed child with frog legs.