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Q: What std leaves white strings in urine?
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How do you write a program that allows the user to enter any number of strings that will then be encoded decoded and then displayed to the console?

#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<vector> std::string encode (const std::string&); std::string decode (const std::string&); int main () { std::vector<string> strings; std::cout<<"Enter as many strings as you like (end with an empty string)\n"; while (true) { std::string input; std::cout<<"Enter a string: "; std::getline (std::cin, input); if (input.empty()) break; strings.push_back (encode (input)); } std::cout<<"You entered the following strings:\n"; for (auto s : strings) std::cout<<decode (s)<<std::endl; } Note that it is not possible to show the implementation details of the encode and decode functions since it is not clear from the question what the purpose of these functions is.

Rearrange the string in alphabetical order in two dimensional character array?

Use a std::vector<std::string>> to store the strings, then call the std::vector::sort() method.

How do write a function that receives two pointers to character strings where the function concatenates the two strings and prints the new concatenated string?

#include <iostream> #include <string> std::string* concat_print_strings(std::string* pStr1, std::string* pStr2 ) { std::string * strResult = new std::string( *pStr1 ); strResult->append( *pStr2 ); std::cout << strResult->c_str() << std::endl; return( strResult ); } int main() { std::string str1 = "This is a string."; std::string str2 = " And this is another string."; std::string* pStr = concat_print_strings( &str1, &str2 ); delete( pStr ); pStr = NULL; return( 0 ); }

How can you get a specific string from large string using c plus plus strings?


How do you write a c plus plus program to sort a vector of strings using MSD radix sort?

The standard library sort algorithm automatically uses MSD radix to sort strings: std::vector<std::string> vs = {"a", "b", "c" "d", "ab"}; std::sort(vs.begin(), vs.end()); After sorting, the order will be: {"a", "ab", "b", "c", "d"}

Is golden Shower safe?

Urine is sterile, assuming no urinary tract infection. HIV is not shed in urine of HIV infected persons. There might be a theoretical risk of STD transmission as the urine picks up traces of chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, etc passing over genital tissues. But to my knowledge nobody has ever acquired an STD by exposure to urine.

What are the advantages of using string in c plus plus?

I assume you mean std::string rather than strings in general. Programs that need to convey any information to the user will usually require many strings, and when retreiving input from the user, a string (in conjunction with a string stream) are the best way of checking that data before processing it. The std::string (and its wide-character counterpart, std::wstring) needn't be used for all strings, of course, but they are much easier to work with when strings need additional processing, such as when concatenating strings, or searching within strings. And if you need more functionality than is provided by std::string alone, you can always derive a new string object from std::string and embelish it as required. Of course, if you require less functionality than is provided by std::string then you have the option of creating your own lightweight string class from scratch. However, for most applications, std::string is lightweight enough, and if you use std::string at all, then there's little point in writing your own string class. Aside from re-inventing the wheel (one of the reasons the STL exists), it's only going to increase your code size. However, for new programmers, it can be an interesting excercise creating your own string class, if only to show how std::string works and why re-inventing wheels is rarely a good thing.

How do you do STD test on man?

Your physician will advise the tests for you. The pathologist will take your blood and urine for the testing.

Is there any problem when a jelly liquid comes with urine?

Yes, if you are seeing anything that isn't urine when you urinate there is something wrong. This is a symptom of many std's and i recommend you see your doctor as soon as possible. If it is an std prolonging a doctors visit could make it worse.

Would STD screening detect pelvic inflammatory disease?

If a woman had a bimanual exam during the STD screening, then it might detect PID. Simple urine testing will not detect PID.

Where can one find more information about STD Strings?

One can find more information about STD String on websites like C Plus Plus, Wikipedia, Microsoft, Stack Overflow, learn CPP, WX Widgets or Your Linux.

How do you read a word with blank space in c plus plus?

A word with blank spaces is not a word, it is a collection of words, possibly a sentence, a paragraph or an entire book. These are strings (character arrays) and you can read these just as easily as you can an individual value, using the std::getline() function. The following example demonstrates this. #include<iostream> #include<sstream> int main() { std::string s; std::cout<<"Type some words: "; std::getline( std::cin, s ); std::cout<<"You typed:"<<s.c_str()<<std::endl; }