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The colon.

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Q: What reabsorbs water from undigested waste?
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Excess water is absorbed in which part of the digestive tract?

Excess water is absorbed in the large intestine, specifically in the colon. The colon reabsorbs water from the undigested food material passing through it, helping to form solid waste (stool) before it is eliminated from the body.

Which organelle is responsible for storage of water undigested food and waste products?

The vacuole is responsible for storing water, undigested food, and waste products in a plant cell. In animal cells, waste products are stored in vesicles or lysosomes.

What organ has foods that are undigested and removes water and salts from waste?

Large Intestine

What dries your waste so it can leave your body?

The colon absorbs water from undigested food waste so that the waste can be excreted as feces.

What is the difference between undigested food and matabolic waste?

what is the difference between undigested food and metabolic waste

What is the function of the large intestings?

The large intestine reabsorbs much of the water and any nutrients that would have been removed as waste.

Does the amount of digested food digested in the large intestine increases?

The volume of the undigested food decreases as it passes through the large intestine. As the colon absorbs excess water from undigested food waste, the volume of that waste decreases.

What is part of the undigested waste of the large intestine?

The large intestines job is to compress materials. The undigested food and waste products are compressed in the large intestine before evacuation.

What is the role of the large intestines?

It absorbs water :) and that is pretty much itt :L :D

What is the intestine where water is removed?

Excess water is removed from undigested food waste in the large intestine. This waste, called feces, is then stored in the rectum until expelled through the anus.

What is called undigested solid waste?

Undigested solid waste is typically referred to as feces or stool. It is the waste material that is excreted from the body through the rectum after the digestion process is complete.

What is the intestine where water is removed called?

Excess water is removed from undigested food waste in the large intestine. This waste, called feces, is then stored in the rectum until expelled through the anus.