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Anti-freeze, also known as ice crystals that forms in the body cavity, bladder and under the skin, contains a high concentration of glucose in the frog's vital organs prevents them from freezing.

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Q: What organ in the frog stores fat to provide energy during estivation hibernation and breeding?
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What is the difference between hibernation and estivation?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter, while estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods. Hibernation is more common in animals in colder climates, while estivation is common in animals in hot and dry climates.

What is the winter counterpart to estivation?

Hibernation is the winter counterpart to estivation. Hibernation is a state of inactivity and lowered metabolic rate that some animals enter during the colder months to conserve energy, while estivation is a similar state entered in response to hot or dry conditions.

What do you call the hibernation during summer?

The term you are looking for is estivation. Estivation is a state of dormancy or inactivity that some animals enter during hot and dry summer months to conserve energy and survive through harsh conditions.

What is it called when desert animals go underground during the hottest part of summer to survive in that heat?

Estivation is a period of summer dormancy similar to hibernation.

What is the time period called when animals sleep during the summer?

It's called Aestivation (americans spell it without the 'a' at the beginning - the opposite of Hibernation.

Migration hibernation and estivation are all examples of what kind of faunal adaptations?

They are all examples of behavioral adaptations in animals to cope with changes in environmental conditions. Migration involves moving to different locations in response to seasonal changes; hibernation is a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy during winter; and estivation is a dormant state to survive periods of extreme heat or drought.

How are a dormant plant and a hibernating animal similar?

Hibernation and estivation are similar in that they are adaptations to harsh climates. They offer protection to animals to maintain homeostasis. The difference is that hibernation refers to the torpor during winter while estivation refers to the torpor during summer.

What are examples of estivation?

Estivation is the process of animals entering a dormant state during hot and dry conditions. Examples include snails sealing themselves up in their shells, desert frogs burrowing underground, and some species of fish seeking refuge in mud to conserve moisture.

What is the diffrence between hibernation and estivation?

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression during the winter months to conserve energy and survive cold temperatures, commonly seen in animals like bears. Estivation is a state of dormancy during hot and dry periods to avoid heat stress, often observed in animals like snails and lungfish. Both are adaptive strategies to survive extreme environmental conditions.

What is the meaning of estivation?

Estivation is a state of dormancy or inactivity that some animals enter during hot or dry periods to conserve energy and survive harsh conditions. It is similar to hibernation but occurs in response to high temperatures rather than cold temperatures.

What do you call the long winter sleep taken by some animals?

Some animals sleep through the winter -- those animals are called hibernators. The long sleep through the winter is called hibernation.

Do pandas hibernate or estivate?

polar bear suspend all their internal activities and go into a period of dormancy during the winter season in order to stay metabolically active during winter . this is known as hibernation .