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Probably the red tree frog.

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Q: What kind of toad is this It is very tiny and has orange eyes with slit like pupils that go up and down like cat eyes?
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Why did dinosaurs have slit eyes?

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If you have a cat that is orange that has gold eyeswhat kind of cat is it?

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What animal has orange eyes at night?

Tigers, for one... but I've seen dogs 'reflect' orange at night also... Average glowing at night is a benefactor of a mirror-like retina in an animal's eye. It creates a bright whitish, bluish, and sometimes greenish hue when light is shined upon it. The purpose of their type of retinas is largely to improve sight in night scenarios. A similar effect is seen when the human eye reflects the flash from a Flash-Enabled camera. It is shown on picture as the person having glowing red eyes. This effect is known as "Red-Eye."

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Cocaine, ecstasy

What is the best kind of orange to make a cake with?

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