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I have two newts that we got in a campground near our house. For some reason there were a bunch of them "out" that day. They were getting run over. I would like to know how to identify them so I can see exactly what they need. If we need to let them go, we want to do it soon way before hibernation time. Soooo, do you or anyone know where I can find out what kind they are? Then I can tell you what kind we have! Thanks.

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If you have a newt where do you put it?

The only thing I know about where to put a pet newt is in a water bottle with a leaf, with a little bit of water, and leave the lid open but don't take it off. Does anyone know if you should have a tank or some kind of place for a newt to live in?

What is another word for newt starting with e?

There is not an collective noun for newts. "Band" would seem best since that describes a group of salamanders.

American animal that starts with n?

Northern seahorse: Well obviously it's a seahorse Newt: A salamander like animal Nuthatch: Some kind of bird Well.. those are all I know of

Is a newt a pollinator?

no newt is not a pollinator

Is a newt a marsupial?

A newt is an amphibian.

Animals not reptiles that start with a n?

The nightingale is a kind of bid. I also know about the newt which is a small salamander.

Is newt a veterbrate?

Yes, a newt is a vertebrate.

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What class is a newt?

A newt is Class Amphibia.