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very much as are own except for the tail

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Q: What is the muscular system of a newt like?
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What is a muscularity?

A muscular system is your hole body with bones that move if you diren't have a muscular system you will be like a taco not moving. The muscular system is the largest system out of the respiratory,digestive,circulatory,skeletal.and nervous system.

What Treatment is there for muscular system diseases?

its like a fantasy

Which organelle is like a road system?

the muscular system.. or the main part of your body.. the hand system.

What system does the Skeletal Muscle belong to?

muscular and skeletal

What does spongebob's muscular system look like?

very soft...

The cytoskeleton is like what important part of animals?

Muscular System

Which organ system contains the muscular system?

The Muscular-Skeletal System.

What organ system works with the muscular system to control muscular system?

The nervous system.

What help the digestive system?

the muscular and cardiovascular system.

What is the main organ of the muscular system?

the main organ of the muscular system is the muscles

How does proper nutrition help the Muscular system?

because it feels like it

How does the nervous system effect to the muscular system?

The nervous system tells the muscular system what to do.