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In some cases, poison. In others, merely a harmless slime. Some toads and frogs produce hallucinogenic substances. You are not advised to lick or eat any frog or toad without determining what kind it is and whether it is poisonous.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

plants and seaweed usually

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βˆ™ 13y ago

beacase they die if they dry out

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βˆ™ 12y ago

They hard boil them

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Q: What is the body protection of a frog?
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Does a frog have any body covering?

Yes, a frog's body is covered with skin.

What is the function of this external part of the frog?

The external part of the frog, such as its skin, is responsible for respiration, protection against pathogens, and regulation of body temperature. Additionally, the skin of a frog helps in absorbing water and nutrients.

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It is a thin lining over the eye of a frog which gives it extra protection

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they have a jellylike covering that protects them

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The body cavity of a frog is much larger in ratio to its body than a man's body cavity is. A frog's body cavity is also much more condensed than a man's.

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Is a female frog bigger than a male frog or is it the other way around?

A female frog has a bigger body.

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To carry oxygen to the frog's body cells.

Where do you find the lung of the frog?

In its body -_-

What is the body of a red eyed tree frog?

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