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Q: What is special about the structure of a frog's feet?
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Do frogs have chicken feet?

Frogs do not have chicken feet, if anything they have duck feet. Frogs have webbed feet. Frogs have frog feet

Do poison dart frogs have feet?

poison dart frogs do not have webbed feet. they have sticky pads on there feet

Why are frogs feet webbed?

Frogs feet web out because it helps them to swim in the water

Do frogs have 2 feet?

no! frogs have at least 4 feet a dog has two but nice try

Why do frogs have bumps on there feet?

Frogs are just fly like that.

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What do frogs feet feel like?

frogs feet feel like slime they kind of feel like gel

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Do blue poison dart frogs have web feet?

yes all frogs do

How do tree frogs climb?

with their feet

What are the frogs major senses and where is this information interpreted?

The frogs major senses are its special adaption. Frogs have adapted a "sixth" sense, in-which this sense is the ability to sense vibrations in the air, and ground with their feet and tiny molecular hairs scattered throughout the frogs bodies. Although there are only a very few amount of hairs, usually less than 25

What structure does the frogs Eustachian tube attach?

The ear