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a salamander is an amphibian.

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Q: What is a salamender?
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Does a salamender have a tail?

yez it does

Is a salamender ectothermic?

Yes. A salamander is an amphibian, and all amphibians are ectothermic or cold-blooded.

In Ender's Game what were the name of the groups he was in?

salamender army dragon army and 1 other but i forget

Do a salamender have speed?

All moving things have a speed, even a snail! No matter how fast or slow a creature is, it will always have a speed.

Nearly extinct animals?

Bamboons, lions, tigers, glass frog, island grey fox, giant salamender, Mexican walking fish, elephants and dolphins

Do cats eat snails?

Their diet consists of leaves, and soft fruits.

How do you use salamender?

A salamander is an excellent accessory to the diabolical rascality of young students. For example, in the children's book Matilda by Roald Dahl the main character is accused of putting a newt in her principle's drinking water. She didn't really, her friend did. Just be sure, before attempting any such plan, that your animal is not of the poisonous variety. Also be sure to plan for the consequences.

What is the famly of the salamender?

The salamander isKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: AmphibiaClade: CaudataOrder: UrodelaThe order Urodela is divided into 10 families grouped into three suborders:suborder CryptobranchoideaCryptobranchidae (Giant salamanders)Hynobiidae (Asiatic salamanders)suborder SalamandroideaAmbystomatidae (Mole salamanders)Amphiumidae (Amphiumas or Congo eels)Dicamptodontidae (Pacific giant salamanders)Plethodontidae (Lungless salamanders)Proteidae (Mudpuppies and olms)Rhyacotritonidae (Torrent salamanders)Salamandridae (Newts and true salamanders)suborder SirenoideaSirenidae (Sirens)