The blue dart frog (scientific name: Dendrobates azureus) makes a buzzing sound.
No, the coqui frog gets its name from the loud, repetitive "ko-kee" sound it makes during mating season. The coqui frog is not known to eat coconuts as a significant part of its diet.
The name "Keroro" comes from the Japanese impression of the sound a frog makes, which is "kerokero."
Frogs typically make a "ribbit" sound. However, the specific sound a frog makes can vary depending on the species. Some frogs may chirp, croak, or whistle.
Robin the Frog is the name of Kermit the Frog's nephew.
The coqui frog got its name from the loud "ko-kee" sound it makes, which is where its name comes from. This species is native to Puerto Rico and is known for its distinctive vocalizations.
Michigan J. Frog is the name of the Looney Tunes frog.
a door a frog
The bullfrog its name from the deep sound it can make. It's more like the loud noise a cow or other animal would make then a frog!
amphibia is the class name for the frog
Frogs only make frog sounds. In Hebrew, this sound is usually described as "ribbit" (ריביט) or kirkur (קירקור)