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First of all, if you want to keep tadpoles, then they should have an open water pool, such as a pond, open-topped aquarium, or paddling pool. Their pond are should include rocks, plants and stones for the tadpoles to swim around in and hide in for shelter when necessary.

Food should be plentiful and always available - they like lettuce especially; but make sure you boil and drain first. Other foods can be plants, boiled vegetables, maggots and flaky fish food.

Finally, tap water is fine for the tadpoles, but chlorine is a big problem. Chlorine is harmful and even fatally dangerous to tadpoles and other fish, so either let the water stand in a lighted, warm area for several days before using, or buy de-chlorinated water. De-chlorinate liquid drops can also solve the problem. Doing option one will let the chlorine evaporate, but if you are short on time then this option is not desirable.

So there you go - some tips on keeping tadpoles and your question answered. Have fun - and if further problems pursue then ask your local aquarist or pet shop.

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No tadpoles will only survive in river or lake water

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they die

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Q: What happens when you put tadpoles in tap water?
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Can you have tadpoles in tap water?

no cause if do they die so u leave the tap water out for about a week cause tap water has a chemical in it that will harm the tadpoles

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Nothing noteworthy happens if mentos are put in tap water; they simply dissolve slowly.

Can tadpoles live in sink water?

Only if you leave the water out for about a week. Tap water has chemicals that harm the tadpoles.

What kind of water do you need to raise tadpoles?

I am raising tadpoles and I found mine at a small pond, and they are doing fine. I think pond water is best, but whatever you do, dont use tap water. Some tap water has chlorine in it that can harm the tadpoles

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I have got some tadpoles how do you look after them?

I am an expert on frogs and tadpoles. This is how to look after tadpoles: Don't give the tadpoles tap water because in that water there are 2 chemicals ( Fluoride and Chlorine ) that kill the tadpoles. So you should use either rain water or water from the creek/pond/river you got them from. If you want to use tap water, leave it out in full sunlight for 7 days. The chlorine and fluoride will evaporate. Tadpoles like to eat boiled lettuce that has been boiled for about 15 minutes. They also like to eat bread crumbs and fish food. Tadpoles grow faster in warm water. In cold water, they will still grow, but they will grow slower. When the tadpoles develop legs, put about 2 or 3 rocks( Depends on how many tadpoles you have) in the container. Put something on the top of the cointainer ( prefeably some sort of mesh ) so the froglets don't jump out. If you are interested about frogs and tadpoles and need some tadpole/ frog questions answered please contact me and send your questions to

Do tadpoles die in tap water?

yes they do but rarely ever trust me i have done lots and lots of research.

Will water from the garden hose kill tadpoles?

Yes because it is like tap water which has chemicals that will kill the tadpoles. So you can use tap water or garden hose water only if you add a purifier that you can buy at your pet store in the fish department or you can use bottled purified water.

Can a tadpole be in a cage?

me and my best friend are currently raising tadpoles we found at a pond near her house. we got an old fish tank that her sister had for her fish that died. It is perfectley fine to put them in a cage. But if you use tap water let sit in the sun for 24 hours. If you want you can use bottled spring water to fill the tank, or use the water from their pond. We have had our tadpoles for 1 night and 2 days now and we are using tap water until later and they are perfectly fine and it might be okay to just use tap water because a girl raised them and does raise them and she uses tap water and they do not die.

What happens when tap water gets contaminated?

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No because they can't drink tap water, and if you put it in tap water, it will drink some of it. Bottled Water is best.

What happens when you put an egg in tap water?

When you put an egg in tap water, it will sink to the bottom if it is fresh. Fresh eggs have denser contents, causing them to sink. If it floats, it is an indication that the egg is not as fresh and has probably started to spoil.