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Two types of frogs that live in England are the common frog and the pool frog. The common frog lives on land in moist habitat areas of open woods and gardens. Pool frogs live in woodland ponds.

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Q: What frogs live in England?
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What continent Does frogs live in?

Frogs live in every continent on earth. There are many species of frogs.

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monkey frogs live in rainforest

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Frogs live in plants ? duhhh .

Where do frogs live what is it like?

Frogs live in swampy and boggy areas.

Where do frogs live in a pond?

Frogs live in the weeds and reeds at the edge of ponds.

Where do monkey frogs live?

Monkey frogs live in the rainforests of peru, south america.

What is a frogs location?

Frogs live anywhere but Antarctica.

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Why do frogs migrate?

Frogs adapt to live in their environment.

Do frogs lives in water?

Frogs live in water when tadpoles.When the tadpoles become frog's they have to live near water or in a moist place because the frog's skin drys out quickly.

Do frogs live underwater or above?

Frogs live both underwater and above (on land). They are amphibians.

Where in the rainforest do tree frogs live?

The tree frogs of the rain forest live in the trees of the understory.