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other salamanders and bigger fisha nd sometimes humans

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Q: What eats a Jefferson Salamander?
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What is a sentence for the word salamander?

the slamander eats (watever he eats)

Would a wild salamander make a good pet?

if you know what the salamander eats

What type of ecosystem does the Jefferson salamander live in?


What is purpose of salamander?

The purpose of the mole salamander is to burrow into the ground. Salamanders are mostly nocturnal creatures, and the Jefferson salamander lives in the northeastern area of the US.

Why are Fire Salamanders endangered?

salamander eats fish

Who eats the arboreal salamander?

A man eating lion

What eats the Texas blind salmander?

The Texas blind salamander, being a small aquatic amphibian, is known to be preyed upon by various predators in its ecosystem, including larger salamanders, snakes, birds, and fish. These predators opportunistically feed on the Texas blind salamander when given the chance.

What trophic level is a salamander?

Third trophic level. It eats insects.

What does the salamander eats?

i think they eat small curstations and small fish

What eats the ozark blind salamander?

dont didnt have an awnser.

What is the purpose of salamanders?

The purpose of the mole salamander is to burrow into the ground. Salamanders are mostly nocturnal creatures, and the Jefferson salamander lives in the northeastern area of the US.

What is a example of an animal habit?

if a salamander likes to stay in moist places that is a habit, or if a caterpillar eats and eats that is also a habit :)