The meaning of the African Luo name Amondi is "born at dawn".
The Luo name Achieng means "born in the day".
The Luo name Akello means "the one born after twins".
The Luo name Adongo means "the second one of twins".
The Luo name Anindo means "born in the middle of the day".
The Luo name Anyango means "A child who is born about midday".
The Luo name Athiambo means "a child born in the afternoon".
The Luo name Atieno means "a child born at night".
The Luo name Abuya means "born when the garden was overgrown".
The Luo name Akinyi means "born in the early morning".
The name Awiti means "you have seen what hardships I have gone through" in Luo.
The Luo name Angweng means "a child born at a time of war".