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Q: What does the frog symbolize in speak?
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What does a tattoo of a frog on a foot symbolize?

That you are a sex addict

What kind of tattoo would symbolize fun loving?

kermit the frog shaving your pubes

Are frogs bilingual?

No. They only speak frog language.

What page is the frog dissection on in the book speak by Laurie Halse Anderson?

The frog dissection is described on pages 148-151 in the book "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson.

What page was the frog on in Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak?

Its page 80

How many people speak frog?

uhh none! there frogs not people...

Why is symbolize spelled with an s and not a z?

because were american, and clearly we speak with z's not s's..were not british Symbolize - American English. Symbolise - British English.

What does a tattoo of a heart with a frog in it mean?

Frog represents many different thing in many differnet culures. The basic is Good Luck (Japanese), Immortality, Eternal Life, Power (Chinese). Few cultures Evil and Mystism, but general view is Good Fotune..

What does to croak mean?

To croak can refer to the sound a frog makes, or it can also be an informal term for dying or to speak in a hoarse or low voice.

What do seeds symbolize in the book Speak?

In the book "Speak," seeds symbolize the potential for growth and renewal. Melinda's planting and caring for seeds represent her own journey towards healing and coming to terms with her trauma. The seeds serve as a metaphor for hope and the possibility of a new beginning.

What do Melinda's lips represent in speak?

Melinda's lips in "Speak" represent her silence and inability to speak up about her trauma. They symbolize her struggle to find her voice and speak out about the assault she experienced. Through the course of the novel, her acceptance and ownership of her voice is reflected in her changing relationship with her lips.

What does the saxo vts mean?

Saxo Versino Tres Rapid Version very fast, if you don't speak frog