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once they grow legs they start to eat things like worms,small insects,you can buy them bloodworms at a petstore.they will eat things with meat

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes,elder tadpoles have legs.

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Q: What do you feed this tadpole that has legs?
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What does the northern leopard frog eat while its a tadpole?

I have a Leopard frog tadpole, If you want to let your tadpole to grow faster, feed it frog and tadpole bites.I give my tadpole and it grew tiny legs .you can bye these at petco or petsmart

What does tadpole feed on?

They feed on frozen lettuce

What is the word for the back legs of a tadpole?

hind legs

Does a tadpole have any legs?

No! That is the point of it all. During tadpole stage, the being has no legs ... though eventually, of course, it becomes a frog.

How are the tadpole and the frog similar in their movement?

Well, all I can think of is when a tadpole grows it's legs, the movement of the tadpole and the frogs legs are the same. Please Improve or put in the discussion board your answer.

What are the 5 cycles for frogs?

egg, tadpole, tadpole with legs, froglett, adult frog.

Does a tadpole have legs?

no thier like fish

Which part of the tadpole drops off first?

No part of the tadpole falls of. The tadpole grows legs and then the tail shrinks. It doesn't fall off.

What is the characteristic of a tadpole develo ping into a frog?

Their get legs

What happens to a tadpole after 70 days?

develops legs

What is it called when a tadpole gets legs?


What part of a frog changes first from a tadpole?

the legs come out