Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.
with their mouths
using their glass mouths.
Because they need big enough mouths to get some of those big bugs in their mouths that they eat.
Its located in the frogs upper part of its mouths.
by having a zygote
I would think they breathe with there mouth underwater.
No- or it would be VERY noisy down at the pond at night, listening to the frogs explode.
Frogs breathe just like humans, taking in air through their mouths and exhaling it. They are also able to breathe through their skin.
Salamanders eat frogs, mosquito eggs, small fish and tadpoles. They are able to get their food by out swimming them and then catch them with their wide mouths.
With there mouths, they eat crickets, spiders, flys, and all that but they DO NOT EAT MONARCH CATERPILLARS
Frogs open and close their mouths to breathe. They don't have diaphragms to help them breathe, so they use muscles in their mouth to push air into their lungs. They also use this action to help them swallow food.
Rats, mice, frogs, crayfish, and any other animals that will fit in their mouths.