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if its a pet you give it lot of different bugs and you give it a pond or shallow dish you give it plastic leaves for its camouflage and a place to hide in and vitamins to put on the food and make sure theres no chlorine in the waterdish it can make your frog very sick possibly die if you can not afford all of this set the frog free in the place you found it outside good luck

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13y ago

Frogs enjoy finer things in life, like chilling out at a nice cool pool on a hot summers day.

They love jumping and some juicy, tender bugs.

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Tadpoles have NO concept of emotion !

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Q: What do frogs enjoy?
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What are some toys that frogs enjoy?

frogs don't like toys

Where do frogs like to be touched?

Frogs and toads enjoy being touched on the head, under the chin, and around the pelvis area.

What is the habitat of tree frogs?

TREESTree frogs live in a tropical rainforest's.

Why do frogs only appear during rainy days?

they enjoy playing in water.especially when there is a heavy rain they swim freely in water.this is the way they enjoy their life.....

What happens to frogs when lake freezes?

Nothing. Frogs hibernate. It's called estivation. They are dug into the mud or the land and have gone to sleep for the winter. When Spring arrives they'll wake up and enjoy the weather.

Do tree frogs need trees?

Whites Tree Frogs are quite happy living alone, but they do enjoy company. If you want to get a companion for your frog, make sure you get another Whites Tree Frog or a similar size frog. If you get more than 2 frogs you will probably need a larger tank. A 25 gallon tank is good for 2-3 Whites Tree Frogs.

Where do find poison dart frog?

Dart frogs are found in the jungles of Central and South America. They were introduced into Hawaii in 1933 to control mosquitos. Dart frogs enjoy being in the leaf litter during the day, and sleep at night. They are always on the forest floor.

What happens if a toad pees on your hand?

That depends on how much you enjoy being peed on. :p

How do red eyed tree frogs adapted?

Red eyed tree frogs do not adapt. They live in the rainforest and they were born in the rainforest. However, they enjoy the heavy downpounrs as it is good for finding their food after the rain has ended. When it rains heavily, they sit in special plants which collect water and dead flies.

Why are frogs used in so many books as characters?

I think it's because frogs are recognized more than any other creature. Most people think of frogs as very harmless,and that" true except for a few.Even those few I don"t believe could harm you fatally . I am not 100% sure on that though. Basically I think it"s frogs represent what all of us aspire to, to sit back and enjoy the time we have and possibly catch a bug or two for lunch.

Is amphibian warm blooded?

Frogs are in the group of amphibians. As of this, no frogs are warm blooded. Their temperature is mainly the same as their surroundings. Many amphibians do enjoy to be warm though, and some lie in the sun in order to raise their temperature. As for frogs, they might find a sunny but moist spot underneath some leaves or similar.

Are frogs males only?

No, there are female frogs and male frogs.