

What defenses mechanism of frog?

Updated: 11/15/2022
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Q: What defenses mechanism of frog?
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Denial, repression, displacement.

Why is the Maud Island Frog endangered?

its weak, and beisdes being small, it had no defenses. rats were introduced and they feed on the frogs.

What is the function of the urinary opening in a frog?

The storage of water so in dry periods a frog will still has a watersource. The bladder is also used as a defence mechanism; if a frog is handled the frog will spill his urine to distract the predator.\ The bladder is also use to filter urine

Why does a granular glands on a frog releases a mildly unpleasant fluid?

Granular glands on a frog release a mildly unpleasant fluid as a defense mechanism against predators. The secretion can irritate the predator's mouth or skin, deterring them from attacking the frog.

Is a frog an example of natural selection?

No, a frog is not an example of natural selection itself. Natural selection is a mechanism for evolution that acts on populations of organisms over generations, influencing the traits that are passed on to the next generation. Individual organisms like a frog can be impacted by natural selection, depending on their traits and how those traits affect their survival and reproduction.

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the defenses of a bat is BEES AND FLYS.

What are some poisonous frogs?

Some examples of poisonous frogs include the golden poison frog, dart frogs, and the dyeing dart frog. These frogs secrete toxins through their skin as a defense mechanism against predators. It is important to note that while their poison can be harmful to predators, they are not inherently aggressive towards humans.

When was My Defenses Are Down created?

My Defenses Are Down was created in 1946.

When was Paramount Defenses created?

Paramount Defenses was created in 2006.

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some of lions defenses are their pride!

What defenses can organisms have?

Organisms can have physical defenses like camouflage or spines, chemical defenses like toxins or bad taste, behavioral defenses like hiding or fleeing, and immune defenses like antibodies or white blood cells to fight off pathogens.

Most WWE championship defenses?

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