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Vampire bats use echolocation, but they can hear what we hear, and more. They have an acute sense of hearing in the high frequency range, detecting up to 113 kHz, compared to the average human's hearing which can comfortably detect up to about 17 kHz. Vampire bats use this high frequency, or ultrasonic, hearing to analyse echolocation, meaning the echoes of their biosonar calls.

Vampire bats are different from other bats in that they also have exceptional low frequency hearing. For audio clips on what vampire bats can hear compared to humans and to other bats, see the related link below.

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yes they do

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Q: What can a vampire bat hear?
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Who are vampire bats relatives?

Only the Bat species are the relatives to the Vampire Bat.

When was The Vampire Bat created?

The Vampire Bat was created on 1933-01-10.

When was Common Vampire Bat created?

Common Vampire Bat was created in 1810.

How much babies can a vampire bat have?

A vampire bat can have ONE baby at a time.

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Only Vampire bats feed on blood. The species that do this are the Common Vampire Bat, the Hairy-Legged Vampire Bat and the White-Winged Vampire bat.

What is the deadliest bat in the world?

I'm not sure but I think it is a vampire bat.