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Ambrose Krajcik

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Q: What are two ways forelimbs are different than hind limbs?
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Compare the size between hind-limbs and forelimbs?

In most mammals, including humans, hind-limbs are usually larger and more robust than forelimbs. This is because hind-limbs are primarily responsible for supporting the body's weight and providing locomotion, whereas forelimbs are typically used for tasks like manipulating objects or grasping. The size difference helps to distribute weight effectively and facilitate movement.

What are two visible differences between forelimbs and hindlimbs?

Depends on the species, but ... 1) hind limbs tend to be sturdier, longer, stronger. 2) the hind limbs are more firmly attached to the spine (via the pelvis) than are the forelimbs.

How are the front and back legs of a frog different?

The hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs, but forelimb to hind limb ratio is quite variable. Toads and toad-like anurans have relatively short hind limbs.

Which dinosaur is the arm reptile?

Brachiosaurus means "arm lizard." This is because, unlike most dinosaurs, Brachiosaurus had longer forelimbs than hind limbs.

Are the toes on the front legs different than the hind legs on a frog?

The back legs are webbed, but the forelimbs are not. The forelimbs are basically the "front legs."

What do mammoths have in common?

1. All mammoths had long, dramatically curved tusks. 2. All mammoths had longer forelimbs than hind limbs. 3. All mammoths were grazers.

What is the name of a Massive dinosaur with forelimbs longer than hind legs?


How much legs does a stegosaurus have?

How "many" legs can a dinosaur have - two to four legs

Does a stegosaurus walk on four legs?

Yes, Stegosaurus was a quadruped. Their hind limbs were far longer than their forelimbs, which caused early paleontologists to believe that Stegosaurus must have been bipedal. However, modern paleontologists are confident that Stegosaurus was a quadruped.

Why is the hind limbs of a frog more muscular than the fore limbs?

Frogs push off their back limbs to jump, which makes them more powerful

What is the difference between a mammoth and a mastodon?

1. Mastodons had a level back, and mammoths had longer forelimbs than hind limbs, creating raised shoulders. 2. Mammoths had more dramatically curved tusks than mastodons. 3. The tooth shape of a mastodon was much different than that of a mammoth. 4. Mastodons were browsers, and primarily ate spruce leaves. Mammoths were grazers and lived mainly on grass.

What is the name of the massive dinosaur with fore limbs longer than its hind legs?
