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Q: What and bullfrogs eat insects and small fish in a pond foodchain?
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What and Bullfrogs eat insects and small fish in a pond?


What does a bullfrog eat?

Bullfrogs eat Insects, small fish, snakes, and even frogs. Bullfrogs will even eat smaller bullfrogs.

Are bullfrogs herbivores carnivores or omnivores?

Bullfrogs will eat small fish, tadpoles, small snails and beetles. In some cases, bullfrogs have been seen feeding on rodents, small turtles, other frogs and small birds. Therefore bullfrogs are carnivores.

The series of steps in which a large fish eats a small fish that has eaten algae is called?

A foodchain.

What does a bluegill fish eat?

Insects, worms, small fish.

What do bullfrogs eat?

The giant African bullfrog or pixie frog will eat mostly insects, stuff like locusts, crickets, worms and grubs. Because of the size of these frogs when adult they will also eat large mice, and large rats, they will pretty much eat anything they can fit in there mouth. Grasshoppers will kill them or make them very ill, so if you have one in captivity do not feed them grasshoppers! Insects, small frogs, small snakes, fish. bull frogs can eat flies, fish, craw fish, worms, crawling insects, crabs, snakes, tadpoles.

What is the main predator for spring peepers?

When Spring Peepers are eggs and tadpoles, they are eaten by turtles, fish, and aquatic insects. As adults they are eaten by snakes, birds, and bullfrogs.

What does an Oscar fish eat?

Insects, insect larvae and small fish.

Do bullfrogs eat fish?


What does an american bullfrog eat and live?

American bullfrogs eat a variety of insects, small fish, and even small mammals. They typically live in freshwater habitats like ponds, lakes, and slow-moving streams where they can find food and suitable breeding grounds.

Is a wood frog a carnivore?

Bullfrogs will eat small fish, tadpoles, small snails and beetles. In some cases, bullfrogs have been seen feeding on rodents, small turtles, other frogs and small birds. Therefore bullfrogs are carnivores.

What do young gar eat?

Insects and small fish.