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It results into fascinating color change due to the pigment in the cabbage called anthocyanin. When lemon juice is added, the solution becomes more acidic, causing the purple cabbage juice to turn pink or even red.

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Sakshi Bhatnagar

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zackery furgison

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Thaila Siqueira

Lvl 3
7mo ago

Misturar suco de limão com repolho roxo resulta em uma mudança de cor devido à acidez do limão. O repolho roxo contém um pigmento chamado antocianina, que é sensível ao pH. Quando o repolho roxo (que tem um pH neutro) é misturado com algo ácido, como o suco de limão, a cor do pigmento muda.

Mudança de Cor:

Repolho Roxo (pH neutro): Tem uma cor roxa ou púrpura.

Repolho Roxo + Suco de Limão (ácido): A mistura se tornará rosa ou vermelho claro.

Essa mudança de cor é um exemplo prático de uma reação ácido-base, onde o suco de limão (ácido) altera o pH do ambiente, causando a mudança na cor do pigmento do repolho roxo.

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Q: Lemon mix purple cabbage what colour change?
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What color is the red cabbage in the lemon juice?

In the light of my expierience the colour is purple.

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Red cabbage can turn red when mixed with lemon juice due to a change in pH level. The anthocyanin pigments in red cabbage react to the acidity of lemon juice, causing the cabbage to turn red.

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No colour change, just a very light watery yellow colour that comes out of a lemon.

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The color of blackberry extract in lemon juice would likely be a dark purple or violet color due to the combination of the purple hues from blackberries and the yellow color of lemon juice. This mixture may result in a darker, more intense purple shade.

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yay, great fun , and works for purple sprouting broccolit too. (in fact if you want to do some fun kitchen /garden chemistry, you can try all sorts of petals and veg. beetroot is good I seem to recall!) oh yes , what colour?-- it goes turquoise in alkali and pink in acid. Bicarbonate of soda and lemon juice are all you need for a fun afternoon with your 8 year old.

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A green-y yellow.

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the reason you use yellow colour preservatives it mainly because when you add lemon in the rice the colour of the rice reacts to the acidity which causes the rice to change colour. Also the reason the lemons acidity reacts is because of the different types of chemicals that are put into the lemon unless they were freshly picked right in front of you other that that, there are many differently types of chemicals that are added in the lemon causing the lemon to be sour and acidic.

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When lemon juice is mixed with vinegar, it does not change color significantly. Lemon juice is already acidic and adding vinegar, which is also acidic, will not produce a significant color change.

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because the juice of the lemon is sour and that's the normal colour of sour:yellow.

What would happen if you mix lemon juice and paint?

the paint would become watery and may change colour

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It would remain red, red litmus paper only reacts to blue in the presence of a base. Lemon juice is acidic and thus wouldn't turn the paper a color. If blue litmus paper was used in the lemon juice it would turn red. Consequently dipping blue litmus paper in a base won't change the color because it does not react with bases, only acids.

Is lemon a colour?

A lemon is usually lemon coloured this is referred to as yellow ! HOPED THIS HELPED !!