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It's a type of fish.

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Q: Is a stckle back a type of fish or anphibian?
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What are some examples of members in kingdom anamalia?

Any type of bird, mammal, reptile, anphibian, or fish is a member of the kingdom animalia

What type of animal is a wolf mammal or reptile or anphibian?

A wolf is a mammal.

Is a great white shark an anphibian?

No, it is a fish. Sharks(superorder Selachimorpha) are a type of fish with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a highly streamlined body. The earliest known sharks date from more than 420 million years ago.[1]

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No because penguins are a type of bird cos they lay eggs and have wings, i am not sure

Can you put a betta fish in regular water?

no! chlorine is a harmful and harzardess chemical, in order for any type or fish or any anphibian it need either sea water or fresh water. if you put a fish in chlorine it would die. dont reccomend doing it.

What Do Flat Back Sea Turtles eat?

jellyfish and other type of fish

What other type of fish can you put in with goldfish?

none really i had fan tailed guppies and zebra fish in with my gold fish and he ate there heads. we had to take him back to charlies

What type a fish is a Orange fish with black spots what type fish is it?

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Is shark a mammal or fish?

They are, mammals breath air

What temperature does it have to be to put your fish back in pond?

it depends on what type of fish.a goldfish has to be in room temperature water.

Did man evolve from fish?

A type of fish is one of our ancestors. Man is a primate and a mammal, (that's why we have mammary glands). Our ancestry cam be traced back to mammal-like reptiles, to amphibians and, previous to that, fish.

What type of fish are whales and sharks?

there not at TYPE of fish they are a GROUP of fish called MAMALS