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Yes, but don't let it go in the house!

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Q: Is a brown toad safe for a child to play with?
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Who wrote the play Toad of Toad Hall?

The person who wrote toad heaven was Morris glitzmen hope this helps

Why is your fire belly toad brown on top and the other green on top?

Because the green one is a Chinese or oriantal Fire bellied toad and the brown one is a European fire Bellied Toad.

How do you unlock toad Super Smash Bros. brawl?

You Can Not Be Toad But If You Play As Peach You Can Use Toad As A Attack

Did timothy spall play toad of toad hall?

No, Timothy Spall did not play Toad in "Toad of Toad Hall." The character of Toad was actually voiced by David Jason in the animated film adaptation "The Wind in the Willows."

What is the quote about the toad in chapter 25 of Tuck Everlasting?

The toad in tuck everlasting symbolizes metamorphosis or change

Which toad is the third player of new super Mario brosWii the yellow toad or the blue toad?

Probably yellow, but you can choose who to play as.

How do you unlock all colors of toad in Mario sports mix?

play all the tracks in Time Trials

What has the author A L Brown written?

A L. Brown has written: 'The African clawed toad, Xenopus Iaeuis'

What do non-posines toads like to play with and can i play with theam not a fire belly toad not a frog either a reguler non-posines toad?

they like to play catch the grub!

Can you play in new super Mario only with Mario and luigi?

No!You Can Play Up To Four Player As Mario,Luigi,Yellow Toad Or Blue Toad

How can you tell if your toad is about to die?

Your toad will be skinny, and it might not eat. Also, they might have cloudy eyes

What is the cheat to play as toad?

depending on the game, you can be toad by killing mario 69 times on the final battle with bowser