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Q: How much does a caecilian weight?
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What is the lifespan of a caecilian?

caecilian life cycle

How much does a caecilian weigh?

it does not weigh a pound too small

How many fingers does a caecilian have?

A caecilian is a legless amphibian and therefore does not have fingers.

Is a caecilian an invertebrate?

Yes because a caecilian is a worm like amphibian

Is a caecilian cold blooded?

A caecilian is cold blooded because it is an Amphibian and all Amphibians are cold blooded

Is a caecilian a tetrapod?


How big is a caecilian?

It is as big as a snake

How big is the biggest caecilian in the world?

The largest caecilian is the Atretochoana eiselti which can grow to be as large as 63 inches (5 ft 3 in).

What dose cecilia mean in spanish?


Salamanders without limbs?

It might not be a salamander. It might be a caecilian

The what is found in tropical rain forests and usually has poor vision or is blind?


Where do caecilian do?

They live in moist environments, in Asia, Australia, South America, and Europe.