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they have four fingers and five toes

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Q: How many fingers do green salamanders have?
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How many green salamanders are left in this universe?

Green salamanders are considered "near threatened" and live in the Eastern United states. An actual count would be problematic as they are difficult to observe in their habitat.

What do green salamanders eat?

what does a green salamander eat

Are green salamanders endangered?

yes green salamanders are endangered they are the only amphibians on the endangered animal list in North Carolina

How many spiecies are there of salamanders?

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How many eggs do salamanders lay?

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How many fingers does Jerry Garcia have?

Gerald Green has 9 and a half fingers.

What is the meaning of having green fingers?

Someone said to have green fingers are very good at gardening.

Which family do salamanders belong to?

'Salamanders' are a group of amphibians belonging to the Order Caudata. There are many different families in this order, all of which are considered Salamanders.

What actors and actresses appeared in Green Fingers - 1957?

The cast of Green Fingers - 1957 includes: John Sunnyman as himself

Who are Salamanders enemies?

Especcially carnivore fish, birds and mammals prey on salamanders. There are many snakes preying on amfibians, but they eat mostly frogs not salamanders.

How many atria do salamanders have?

salamanders have a heart with one ventricle and two atria

Will salamanders eat bugs that are dead?

Salamanders are Herbivores which are animals that eat plants so there for Salamanders do not eat ants