poison dart frog tree frog
rainforest frog
It will become extinct and as for all the other animals that live in rain forests.
Plants survive in Rain forests because it is their natural habit so they are fine living there!
It doesn't, and they don't. Koalas live in Forests or stands of eucalyptus trees, which don't grow in rain Forests.
burn rainforest
they can usually be found in tall trees or plants that are close to rivers or ponds. A good example of this is an ecosystem especially a rain forest
sloths are always high in trees so the predadors below do not harm them.
TREESTree frogs live in a tropical rainforest's.
None what so ever, They are quite adaptable and survive without problems in the rain forests of Central America,
Acid rain in particular generate a large-scale dieback forests. The trees wither, including soil and soil flora become acidic.
In the rain forests.