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i don't know but i have a snail i don't know if it is healthily if it dies i will cry I Love My Pet Snails.

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Q: How do you tell if a snail is healthy?
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How do you tell when a snail is healthy?

the snails shell will will be hard and not flaking off usually snails lay eggs and mate when they like the temperature and they are happy and healthy. hope this helps :]

How do you keep your snail healthy?

grapes and strawberrys

What does it mean if a snail is yellow?

it means that its been eating a banana peal witch is not healthy for the snail

What color does a heathy snail look like?

A healthy Snail looks green.Snail are grey or also green

How do you tell if a land snail is a girl or boy?

you can tell by it shell

How do you tell the difference between a Florida scrub snail and an Asian tramp snail?

They are differnet colours

What is the length of a slug?

Many snails have different length and sizes so you can't tell what is the length of a snail if you didn't tell what snail it is.

How do you you tell how old a snail is?

you can tell by how many stripes they have on there shell

How can you tell what ate a snail?

you can't tell because snails have many predaters so if you have a pet snail try to keep it away from bugs,mice,cockroachs,spider, and etc

How can you tell a girl snail from a boy snail?

you cant really because snails are hermaphrodites; they have both male and female organs.:)

How do you know when a golden Inca snail is dead?

The only way to tell if a snail is dead is to sniff the snail, if it gives off a strong, odorous scent, it is most likely dead.

How can you tell if a snail is old?

by the smell