Yes, it is possible for a female cat to get contracted with worms while pregnant. From what I know, de-wormers are usually not advised for pregnant cats as they may cause birth defects. You can consult with a vet if you are worried about your pregnant cat having worms. Worms can sometimes be dangerous to the kittens if they travel through the mother's milk.
you might be pregnant
your mother eats worms and you know it
Not really sure, but i know a lot about the universe!
no - they are non anthropoid invertebrates
yes they do eat worms but you cant know that
You will know if you have worms if you have itching in the anal area or see movement n your feces when having a bowel movement.
You will know if you are pregnant if you miss your period.
It is not recommended to treat worms in a pregnant cat without consulting a veterinarian. Certain worm treatments can be harmful to the developing kittens. A vet can recommend safe and effective treatments for worm infestations in pregnant cats.
you have serious problems
no Worms reproduce by sexual reproduction, when they get under each other's skin, then release the sperm and egg cells.