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Well, until recently, yellow shaman markings were only for hardmode shamans. Hardmode is a mode of shamaning in which the shaman cannot use spirits or red anchors. Totems created by the shamans in advance generally take the place of red anchors, since the totems / constructions can have one red anchor in / on them. Hardmode shamaning can be unlocked once a player has gotten 1000 saves (has managed to help 1000 mice into the hole during their shamaning round).

If you just want to have yellow markings, simply change the color of your markings by clicking on the feather by the emotions, and inserting a color code.

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Q: How do you get the yellow markings as a shaman on transformice?
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You have to be a hard-mode shaman (1000+ saves) to have this. If you are a hard mode shaman, you click on the feather, then enter a color code. Use

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There is a list of everyones name in that room. There is also a number by those names. These are shaman points which you gain from gathering cheese, or dieing. If you are 1st in hole you get more points and less the farther from 1st you are.

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The yellow jacket wasp is about 15 to 20mm in size and has yellow and/or white markings on it. hope this helped :)

How do you get more cheese in transformice?

Well, all you have to do is, Get the cheese, (By help of the shaman or not.) Then just bring it back to the hole. If you bring back enough cheese, you will have enough to buy a item such as clothing.

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You can't, but I have heard a rumor that if you place the spirit right in the middle of yourself, you get placed into the upper left corner of the screen, and you can build there. But I am not sure it works.