try new food or ask your local vet what to do and depending on what type of anphibian it is and how big it is ,it may eat mice.i had a pacman frog(yes it is a real type of frog)mine ate try all these things and see how it works out not all frogs and toads eat try something new.
yes you can i recently caught some baby frogs and some baby toads and im gunna feeed them fish food
Woodhouse toads will eat anything that moves. I have successfully raised healthy woodhouse toads since I was seven. I usually feed them small grasshoppers, worms, and pill bugs (rolly-pollies). No toad has ever died while in my care, but make sure you feed the toads a substancial ammount of food. At feeding time (afternoon- about 4-6) you should feed them until they seem uninterested in the food you present them.
No you cant feed a dog any human food
No. Toads are insectivores. Goldfish are omnivores. They both need totally different diets.
anytime food is available (in the wild.) In captivity, once a day as much as they can eat in a minute or two.
No I cant! If you feed a bird with fried food it will die!
i think you can feed them meat although i cant remember if it has to be cooked or not... cant get it itself so you have to feed it!remember to feed your pet at least twice a day...........................................................thankyou
because you cant feed dogs human food
Most toads will hunt and look for food at night.
No, not all frogs and toads eat dog and cat food. Frogs and toads have different dietary needs depending on their species, and many of them primarily eat insects, small invertebrates, or plants. It is important to research and provide an appropriate diet for the specific species of frog or toad you are keeping as a pet.
Their food.