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They get energy from the food they eat

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Q: How do tadpoles use energy to grow?
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Related questions

Do tadpoles come from fish?

No, tadpoles come from frogs then when the tadpoles grow up they become frogs not fish!

Does tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen?

Yes, in a sense tadpoles use gills and lungs to obtain oxygen. When they first hatch they use gills, Eventually, they become less dependent on the gills as they grow lungs.

Are tadpoles and frogs different species?

No tadpoles are 'baby' frogs when tadpoles get older they grow legs and arms then turn into frogs

How are frogs and tadpoles alike?

tadpoles are frogs before they grow into frogs, just like fetuses are babies before they grow into babies...

What do eggs hatch into?

Tadpoles which grow into FROGS

Do tadpoles grow front legs first?

Yes, tadpoles grow hind legs first. Front legs typically develop after the hind legs.

What is the young a frog?

Frogs lay eggs that hatch into tadpoles. Tadpoles grow up and become frogs.

How does a frog develope?

Frogs start out as eggs Then they hatch into tiny tadpoles The tadpoles grow...and grow The tadpoles grow small hind legs Then the tadpoles grow small front legs Then the tadpoles tail starts to shrink...and shrink...and shrink Until the tail is completely gone the gills have completely vanished and it now breathes air It switched from a herbovore (eats plants) to a carnevore (eats meat) And it grows until it reaches normal adult size for that frog

Which frogs are larger as tadpoles than as full-grown frogs?

None of them. Tadpoles hatch and grow, then undergrow metamorphosis to become frogs. And they continue to grow as frogs.

What is the energy role of a tadpole?

A tadpole plays the energy role of a consumer.

Are tadpoles born by egg?

Yes, tadpoles are born with eyes. But, they do not grow legs or arms until they transition into adulthood. :D

What do frog eggs hatch into?

Tadpoles which grow into FROGS