By having a bath, YOU should try it, i can smelly you from here!!
the annelids also known as annalidia live in damp and tree waste areas so that they can keep their skin moist so that they can move
annelids are commonly found in wet or moist environment's
Annelids are found worldwide in moist or wet environments ranging from marine habitats to moist soil.
It is for them to breathe (absorb oxygen and give off carbon dioxide).hry4ryery
Annelids are segmented worms such as earthworms or nightcrawlers. They can be found in most fertile soils and other moist or wet areas.
scales because they have moist skins
Frogs use their moist skin to breathe when they are in water😊
Because reptiles breath air, amphibians have moist goopy skin because they breath through the moist pores in their skins.
they need to keep there skin moist
Are annelids vertebrate