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Amphibians, like any other animal in the animal kingdom, excrete in the same way that we do. Amphibians excrete through, obviously, feces, and urine. They also rid themselves of waste through their sweat glands; many wastes exit the body through the form of sweat. The last most common form, is through respiration. Carbon dioxide is considered to be a waste, and it, along with many other gasses are released from the body through your breath!

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8y ago

Many amphibians have legs, which enable them move well both on land and in water. For example, frogs have to front legs that are very short. The amphibians also use their body to move back and forth much like a snake

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they absorb water through their skin

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Q: How do amphibians excrete?
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How do amphibians excrete waste?

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Both. They excrete solid uric acid, and defecate undigested fur from their food.

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