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Their eyes can go back inside their heads. this is because of the muscle behind their eyelids. A frogs eyes are also located very high on their head so there eyes are almost never in the water.

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Q: How are a frog's eyes adapted for life outside and inside the water?
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Why will you not find frogs in the sea?

Frogs are not adapted to live in salt water.

Why are frogs well adapted to the desert?

Frogs do not do well in a desert unless there is a permanent water supply. They have very thin skin and can quickly dehydrate in the dry desert. They are adapted to moist or wet environments.

Why are frogs adapted to the wetland?

without the water, the frog's skin dries up and kills the frog.

What evaporates faster water inside or water outside?

Water outside evaporate faster.

Can frogs live in salt water?

Most frogs cannot survive in salt water because their skin is permeable to salt, which can dehydrate their bodies. Some species, like the crab-eating frog, have adapted to tolerate brackish water, but true saltwater is typically harmful to frogs.

Why are toads and frogs amphibians?

Yes. Frogs and toads are both amphibians, along with salamanders, newts and axolotls.

How do you know if a frog is a water frog?

Well you can' t see that from the outside. Scientists used to think (many decades ago) frogs with a warty skin lived on land, and frogs with smooth skin lived in the water. Nowadays it is known this is not true; the very warty firebelly toads are now considered frogs and are strictly adapted to water. Some smooth-skinned species, like the Common Spadefoot or Garlic toad is considered to be a frog wich lives terrestrial.

Do ground frogs need water?

All frogs need water or some kind of humidity. Some frogs are adapted to last in dry conditions, but they are lethargic during these periods, wich means that they bury themselves and do not eat or move. The cannot survive these conditions for a long period without water.

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What keeps food and water from entering the frogs lungs inside?

the eustachian tube

Do frogs lay hard eggs?

No, they lay soft eggs inside the water.

Where do under water frogs live?

Underwater frogs, also known as aquatic frogs, live in freshwater environments such as ponds, lakes, and streams. They are adapted to living in water and can be found in both still and flowing water bodies. These frogs use their webbed feet to swim and have specialized skin that helps them absorb oxygen from the water.