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Q: Frogs are wet and toads are dry True or False?
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Do frogs have scaley dry skin?

yes. toads.

Do toads and frogs have dry or wet skin?

Wet skin.

Are touds and frogs the same?

No, toads and frogs are not the same. They belong to the same group of animals (amphibians), but have distinct characteristics. Toads typically have dry, bumpy skin and shorter hind legs compared to frogs. Frogs have smooth, moist skin and longer hind legs built for jumping.

Can frogs and toads coexist in the same terrarium?

Yes, but the conditions differ. Frogs: Require water and crickets Toads: Require Dry (or moist) land and crickets. Goodluck :)

Frogs are different from toads because frogs?

Frogs have smooth, moist skin and are typically found in or near water, while toads have dry, bumpy skin and are more adapted to living on land. Additionally, frogs have longer hind legs for jumping, while toads have shorter hind legs for walking.

Is an toad an amphibian or a reptile?

a toad is a amphibian.

Are toads and frogs animals?

Toads and Frogs are both animals. They are both Anura amphibians but different families.Frogs: Ranidae.Toad: Bufonidae.Toads skin feel dry, and walk or small-leaps forward and can be poisonous(bufoin) while frogs are more slimy and jumps forward.

What is the scientifique name for toads?

Frogs."Toads" are not, scientifically speaking, "a thing". Frogs and toads are together in the order Anura and whether a given animal is commonly called a "toad" or a "frog" has more to do with its appearance and habitat than any real valid taxonomic distinction. (The technical way of putting that is that toads are not a clade, but toads and frogs together are.)Scientifically, a toad is just a frog that happens to have dry, leathery skin and/or live primarily on land.

What is the difference between frogs and toads?

Taxonomy of frogs and toads:Kingdom: AnimaliaSubkingdom: MetazoaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataClass: AmphibiaOrder: AnuraAfter this is family, and that is where frogs and toads split. True toads are all members of the family Bufonidae. True frogs are members of the family Ranidae. There are around 400 species of frogs, and 300 species of toads. There are also several frog species that are called toads in the common name, but if you look up the scientific classification, this reveals that they are indeed frogs. They are just called toads because of their resemblance to toads.Frogs have finer bodies with narrower waists while toads' bodies are broader.When on a flat surface, frogs lie flat, but toads tend to sit upright.Frogs have feet which are specially structured to act as suction caps to enable them to climb trees and other surfaces. Toads are entirely ground-dwelling.Frogs have an amazing variety of colours - green, yellow, orange, red, black and even blue. Toads are duller in appearance.Frogs have long, webbed hind feet: they can jump and leap very far because they have strong back legs, but toads cannot leap very far or jump very high because they have short hind legs. Frogs have longer legs and can jump farther in proportion to body length, while toads have shorter legs and jump less than the frog in proportion to body length. Toads walk instead of hopping.Some frogs have poison glands, but all toads have poison (Paratoid) glands behind their eyes. These glands secrete a poison called bufotoxin, which varies in intensity. Frog do not have paratoid glands, although frogs can have poison through alternate methods.Frogs have slimy, slippery and delicate skin, but toads have drier skin with warts.Frogs' eggs are laid in bunches or clusters, whilst toads' eggs are laid in long strings.Generally, frogs live near water (although there are some desert species which hibernate until rains come). Toads tend to live on land, although near boggy areas.Some frog species are diurnal and some are nocturnal: toads are almost exclusively nocturnal.Frogs have teeth for gripping their food (not chewing). Toads do not have teeth.There are no native toad species in Australia, but there are many native frog species.Frogs have smaller ear drums than toads.Toads have different cartilage in their chest compared to frogs.Frogs jump actively for their food; toads do the "sit-and-wait" strategy.Frogs are found in more places across the earth. Neither frogs nor toads are found in polar regions, but there are also no native toads in the Australasia - Oceania regions, while frog species are prolific.A frog's eyes are positioned higher in its head, while a toad's eyes are positioned lower.A group of frogs is called an army, while a group of toads is called a knot.

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How do you distinguish a toad from a frog?

toads are darker green in color whereas frogs are lighter. also toads have bumpier skin with warts and other things that are harmful...etc, to humans. a frogs skin is smooth and stays wet. frogs skin is always wet while toads skins are sometimes dry if they are away from water too long. hope this helps and... i like squishy noses

What is bigger a frog or a toad?

Typically, frogs are larger than toads. Frogs have longer hind legs and smoother skin, while toads tend to have shorter legs and dry, bumpy skin. However, there can be variations in size within each species.