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Yes - bats have toes. In fact they commonly grasp their perch with their toes in order to hang upside-down.

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Q: Does a bat have toes
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What do vampire bat's tracks look like?

bat tracks do look like bird tracks they have long and sharp nails and only 4 toes, or fingers

What are owl's toes called?

animal toes are simply called toes...there is no special name for them. an interestinf fact is that a bat's wings have a long bone which is called a thumb, and performs similar functions to those of the thumbs of humans and other animals.

How does a vampire bat clings to a cave?

They hold on using their feet to hang on or even dig into rock holes. All five toes are present and terminate in long, curved claws, which allow the bat to hang effortlessly.

What wild animal has 6 toes?

There are quite a few animals that have long skinny toes. One of these famous animals is called the eye-eye.

What are the most attractive toes?

Cute toes with nail polish on them! Depends on what you consider attractive. Long toes, short toes, fat toes, thin toes, toes with nail polish, toes with fake nails on, brown toes, white toes, red toes, etc... I'm partial to elephant toes!

How many toes does a budgie have?

They have 4 toes and it is ok if his or her toes are crusty

What does ta in the song toes mean?

It means that tatatatata toes as in "the toes"

How many toes do people?

10 toes 5 toes on each foot

Slingback shoes where the toes stick out are called what?

Peep Toes

What is the collective noun for toes?

There is no specific collective noun for toes, in which case a noun suitable for the situation is used; for example a foot of toes, a bunch of toes, a scrunch of toes, etc.

Do you have 2 toes?

No you have 10 toes.