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yes they do drink human blood and no they do not. Yes because that is only if their is no other food around. No because even if they do bite you then it is only a small bite on the big toe.

+++ Best keep your boots on then. I'm not aware of any vampire-bats biting humans normally - though they would try to bite in self-defence if handled roughly. They feed by lapping up the blood oozing from tiny bites. The risk is not from the small blood loss but from carried diseases including possibly rabies.

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12y ago

Yes, in fact some do but that's cannibalism its like eating someones flesh :s

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13y ago

Yeah, but that would be pretty gross. i guess you would have to want to drink it. i wouldn't mind if it was my own

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Q: Do vampire bats drink human blood?
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What is some habits of the vampire bat?

vampire bats don't normally drink human blood so no worries but usually you find vampire bats feeding on dogs , pigs and sometimes even other bats blood

Do all bats drink blood?

Most small bats eat insects, and large fruit bats eat fruit. Central American vampire bats walk up to livestock, bite them, and lick several drops of their blood; bats do not drink blood.

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Vampires and Vampire bats both drink blood. The only difference is that vampire bats drink animal blood. Plus vampire bats are real. The other type are fictional.

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Vampire bats typically drink blood from sleeping animals.

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Vampire bats live on blood.

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because they are fruit bats, not vampire bats...

What are Vampire bat?

Bats that drink blood from animals.

Why bats drink blood?

Only some species of bat drink blood. Notably the Vampire Bat. They drink blood for the nutrients in it.

What type of blood does the Vampire Bat prefer?

vampire bats usually drink cow or monkey blood but if they drink a humans they will most commonly drink from the big toe.

Are there vampire bats that feed on BOTH animal and human blood?

All vampire bats feed on both human and animal blood, but they rarely feed on humans.

Is there such thing as vampire bats?

Vampire bats are real bats that drink blood. They cut a hole in an animal's skin and lap up the blood. They are not vampires, they're just bats.

Do bats like chicken blood?

Most bats do not drink blood. The only bats that do are the three species of vampire bats. Two of these do drink bird blood, and would probably enjoy chicken blood.