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Q: Do tadpoles attach to rocks
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Do tadpoles live under rocks?

No. Until tadpoles become frogs, they remain in water.

Where can you find an anemone?

In a rockpool on the seashore, they attach to rocks

How do rocks attach to the bottom of Glaciers?

By scraping against them.

What Animal attach's itself to rocks at the shore?

Barnacles attach themselves to rocks at the shore by secreting a strong adhesive that allows them to firmly grip onto the surface. This allows them to filter food particles from the surrounding water while remaining protected from predators.

What can you keep tadpoles in?

In a plastic container will do, get some water where you got them from, and also get some dirt and rocks and branches for when they grow up. owner of three green tree frogs:)

Where Do New Coral Animals Attach Themselves To?

Rocks, and the skeletons of dead corals.

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What sea creaturs live on rocks?

Sea creatures that attach themselves to rocks include shellfish such as limpets, mussels, oysters, barnacles.

Do African dwarf frogs have babies?

The male African Dwarf Frog will fertalize the eggs when they come out of the female. The eggs will attach to plants or decorations in the aquarium. If the other fish in the tank don't eat the eggs then they will hatch into small tadpoles. The tadpoles will slowly grow into African Dwarf Frogs..

Which structure is used by hydrozoans to attach themselves to rocks?

Hydrozoans use a structure called a basal disc or hydrorhiza to attach themselves to rocks. This disc helps anchor the hydrozoan in place and provides stability in their environment.

What is the Collective noun for tadpoles?

It is a cloud of tadpoles.

Do tadpoles play?

No. Tadpoles do not play dead.