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Q: Do salamanders live in hot places?
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What type of climate do tiger salamanders live in?

Tiger salamanders stay in cool moist places.

Do salamanders live in muddy areas?

no they don't live in muddy places they live in forest near a lake.

Where does salamaner live?

salamanders are usually found in warm, dark, places ;(smart one;)

Do rhinoceros live in hot or cold places?

Rhino's live in hot places like Africa

Do komodo dragons live in hot places or cold places?

Definitely hot places.

Do chimps live in hot or cold places?

they live in warm places!!!

Do chimpanzees live in hot or cold places?

they live in cold places

Where does the moth live?

they live in hot places

Do salamanders live alone or in groups?

salamanders are qwite intresting. what i ponder is that salamanders admire to live in groups.but nobody knows for sure.

Why do salamanders live near water?

Salamanders are amphibious and need to live on land and in the water.

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Do seals live in hot places?
