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Q: Do salamanders have a strong sense of smell?
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Do amphibians have a strong sense of smell?

amphibians does have a sense of smell

How strong is the sense of smell?

Raccoons have an excellent sense of smell.

What is the elephants strong sense?

Smell .

How strong is a cat's sense of smell?

14 times stronger than a human's sense of smell

How strong is a cat's sense of smell?

14 times stronger than a human's sense of smell

Why do wolves have strong sense of smell?

so they can smell things to kill

Can the smell of cat urine make you sick?

It can, if you have a strong sense of smell.

How strong is the frogs sense of smell?


How can a koala smell?

Koalas have an acute sense of smell. It is believed that this strong sense of smell lures the newborn embryo into the mother's pouch.

What are a wolf's strengths?

they have strong sense of smell and a good sense of hearing

How strong is the raccoon's sense of smell?

Raccoons have an excellent sense of smell.

What Animals that have strong sense of smell?

cats and dogs