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No. I have done some research, and they do not need running water to live. They just need a damp habbitat.

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Q: Do rough skinned newts need running water to live?
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All about newts?

Newts are normally smooth skinned amphibians. they enjoy half land and half water. they eat anything from small fish to black worms. Newts usually grow a maximum of 8 inches, but some salamanders can grow over 2 feet long! newts normally lives 5-10 years in captivity, salamanders can live about 30 years sometimes. Here are some types of newts/salamanders: -California newt -Oregon newt-My favorite:) -rough skinned newt - fire belly newt -the "Ugly" salamander -tiger salamander Not only are they commonly found in lakes and streams, but they are also great pets. kept in a standard 10 gallon, newts are the ideal pet for any beginner pet owner. they don't require attention even though they like it. and they are adorable. i have two Oregon newts myself. well i hope this answers your question!:) -Lib

What do under water newts eat?

Under water newts eat worms.

Do baby newts live in water?

yes because newts are amphibian.

Do newts JUST live in the US?

Newts can live anywhere where they have water and food.

What is the plural of newt?

The plural of newt is newts. As in "newts like to live by water".

What are water salamanders called?


What is the body covering of newts?

Newts have skin similar to that of other amphibians; it is suitable for living on land and in the water. Some newts have poisonous skin.

Do water newts have sharp teeth?


Do newts drink the water they swim in?

Newts can live in dirty water for short periods of time. When keeping a pet newt, you should change the water daily if at all possible.

What is a young newt?

Newts are a type of amphibian group that people usually think are from a reptile group. All reptiles have scales and newts do not. They also have two legs in front and only a tail in the back just like reptiles. Most amphibians have slimy and smooth skin except newts have rough skin. They like cold and misty places. That is also where they usually live. Newts are toxic and with have bright colors on them to show other animals that they are toxic.

Where do newts have babies?

like frogs in water and ponds

Something found in the water that begins with n?

Newts, nutrients