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Yes frogs lay eggs.

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Q: Do frog produce eggs
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Where does a frog produce its eggs?

In the water.

What structure produces eggs in female frogs?

The ovaries in a frog produce the eggs

Name of eggs that produce tadpoles?

Frog eggs, also known as frog spawn, can produce tadpoles upon hatching. Tadpoles are the larval stage of frogs and develop from the fertilized eggs.

Why aren't the eggs of the pacific tree frog damaged by the same rays that kill the eggs of the cascade frog?

The eggs of the Pacific Tree frog produce three times as much photolyase as the eggs of the Cascade frog, making them less likely to die as a result of exessive ultraviolet light.

What is the function of the ovaries in a frog?

The function of the ovaries in a frog is to produce eggs. They have the same role as the ovaries in other animals.The function of a frog's ovaries are the same as any other animal. The frogs ovaries produce eggs which if fertilized will turn into babies.The ovaries in a frog are used to reproduce

Where can you get frog eggs?

From a frog.

What does a real frog mean?

The answer is: A frog is a animal and it's like a toad.Frogs lay eggs and frog eggs are in ponds. Frogs eggs are called frog spone.

Do raccoons eat frog eggs?

no raccoons do not eat frog eggs

Female frog organ with eggs?

The name for the frog eggs is spawn.

Can birds poop frog eggs after eating frog eggs?


What do the frog eggs become?

frog eggs ==> tadpole ==> back legs appear ==> young adult frog (tail disappears) ==> adult frog

What is the name of the structure that produces eggs in the frog?

The eggs of a frog are produced in the ovaries.