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Obviously! How else do they reproduce?

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Q: Do Canadian toads mate
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Is a Canadian a consumer or a producer?

Canadian toads are consumers.

What moth do fire belly toads mate?

Fire belly toads mate during late springs and summer so im geussing late April to the end of augest

What do Canadian toads drink?

The Canadian toad drinks water. They drink it through their skin at the underside of there thighs.

What if toads are in a tank When is mating season?

if there are two then they will probably mate. If there is one they will be miserable.

When do toads mate?

Toads start mating through mating season. The male has to be a little smaller than the female to mate.

Can different kinds of toads mate?

Yes. If they died before mating then they would be extinct.

Are toads canibals?

its eating time!! its true when they come to mate if the lady is not happy with the hunk of the toad she will eat him alive

Does a toad swim its whole life?

No, most amphibians spend part of their life out of water and toads tend to spend more of their life out of water than some other amphibians such as frogs and newts. Toads return to water to mate.

Which animals make a sound to attract a mate?

The following animals make sounds to attract a mate: foxes, frogs, toads, penguins and even elk. Some apes beat their chest and make sounds to attract a mate. +++ Some insects, as well, such as crickets and grasshoppers.

What is a toads lifecycle?

they hatch into tadpoles They grow legs They grow arms They lose their tail They live on land They Mature They mate They lay eggs they die

Are frogs and toads member of the same species?

No because some frogs are not the same species (i.e. a bull frog is not a tree frog) and cannot mate to form a fertile offspring. However, frogs are of a similar phylum as toads. Further information:Although frogs and toads are both amphibians, they are completely different species from each other. Frogs belong to the family Ranidae while toads belong to the family Bufonidae.

What is the name for a frog or toads throat that swells?

The swollen throat on a frog or toad is called a vocal sac. It acts as a resonating chamber when the male is calling to attract a mate.