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Yes they can. I've seen many toads drown in buckets and fountains or ornamental ponds when they could not escape from water that was too deep, mostly during times of drought when they're looking for a drink or dead bugs. I've also had to rescue a few from my own goldfish pond before they drowned. They just tread water until exhaustion makes them drown. The tip-off is usually the smell.

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Q: Can toads drown
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Why do toads need water?

Because, it will dehydrate without water, shrivel up then die.

Do frogs drink out of their mouth?

No, if water goes into their mouth they drown. They absorb their water through thier skin. Toads do the same.

How do toads drinks water?

I don't think that toads even drink water I had alot of expirence with toads and I diden't see any of them drink how about you go on to wikipedia and ask the same question or just look up"Toads" I hope that I helped :)

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Is it true that toads lay more eggs than toads?

No. Toads and toads lay the same number of eggs obviously....But if you mean do toads lay more eggs then frogs then yes they do.

How are toads and lizards not the same?

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Does a toads have a vertebrae?

Yes, toads do have a vertebrae.

Are cane toads the only toads that lay their eggs in a string?

no. most toads lay their eggs in strings.

Why do some toads do not contain eggs?

They are male toads.

Do cane toads have gills?

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Are toads herbivores.?

No. Toads are carnivores. They eat insects.

Do toads snort?

No, toads do not snort. But males do chirp.