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Q: Can the Chytrid Fungus effect humans?
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Which fungus produces cells with flagella?

chytrid :)

Does chytrid effect the food that frogs eat?

yes it gets on anything even humans but it doesn't effect us

What effect does violacein have on chytrid?

it kills it

Does chytrid effect baby frogs?

no it only effects them when there developing

Why are northern leopard frogs endangered?

Rising temperatures, habitat destruction, and the spread of the deadly chytrid fungus have wiped out dozens of species of harlequin frogs in recent years.

Why are green tree frogs almost extinct?

Most tree frog extinction and endangerment is due to chytridiomycosis which is a disease caused by chytrid fungus.

What is an example of chytridiomycota?

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis is an example of a chytrid fungus belonging to the phylum Chytridiomycota. It is a pathogen responsible for the disease chytridiomycosis, which affects amphibians worldwide.

What does fungus do for us humans?

you can eat it

A chytrid lives inside the intestines of an animal Which best describes the relationship between the chytrid and its host?

symbiotic :)

How does chytrid fungus affect frogs all over the world?

This hideous fungus attaches to the frogs skin, and begins to grow on the frog. The frog now being covered with fungus finds it difficult to breath. So basically it kills them because they cant breathe.

Conclusion about the poison dart frog?

Poison dart frogs, as their name suggests, secrete a poison through their skin. The poison functions like an acid, seeping through skin and affecting neural activity. As a result of their powerful poison, the frogs have no animal predators (except for humans). Sadly, the poison dart frog is threatened by a fungus called chytrid fungus, which may be the only living thing that lives on poison dart frogs. The fungus blocks the frog's skin, suffocating it. Poison dart frogs are now extinct in the wild.

What are some types of fungus that affect humans?

thrush ____________________________ athlete's foot -- but the same fungus cause ringworm